Shining on your days

Amine El Bacha 〈The Happy Forest〉


Oil on Canvas, 99.5x150 cm
©Dalloul Art Foundation & Amine El Bacha Foundation

This medium sized canvas titled “Happy Forest” reveals the artist’s inalienable bond with nature. The layout is segmented by horizontal lines into distinct areas representing treetops, earthen terrain, water, and a shoreline. Every segment offers its own unique blend of hues and forms. The centerpiece is marked by vertical lines evoking the impression of mosaic rods and is separated from the lower area—which serves as a sort of foreground—by delicate streaks of blue. Two birds in the center, facing each other appear to be engaging in a tranquil setting. Shadows that resemble curtains frame the artwork on both sides, giving the sense of window shutters casting their silhouette onto this balanced scene that captures our curious attention.

This site created by Studio Particle