Shining on your days
Fateh Moudarres 〈Last Supper〉
Oil on Canvas, 60x 90cm, Collection of Atassi Foundation For Arts and Culture
This painting maybe depicts the artist’s family. The artist himself, his wife, and their children are seated together at the dinner table, wearing joyful smiles. In the background, a peaceful family scene unfolds against the backdrop of a Syrian countryside landscape. However, this painting holds the tragic narrative of the artist. Unfortunately, this work was created during a time when he was experiencing the tragedy of losing the children from his first marriage. The title “Last Supper” evokes associations with the Christian portrayal of Jesus Christ’s last supper with his disciples. Moudarres utilized such symbolism in his artwork due to his interest in religious imagery, though not to depict religious themes explicitly. Rather, he employed these symbols to symbolically express human suffering.

Oh Chiho 〈Self Portrait〉
Date unknown.

Oh Chiho 〈Port of Mokpo〉

Oh Chiho 〈Snowscape〉

Kim Whanki 〈Untitled〉
Date unknown.

Kim Whanki 〈On the Way Back〉

Kim Whanki 〈Island〉

Yim Jiksoon 〈Sunset〉
Date unknown.

Chun Kyung-ja 〈Drawing No. 1029〉
Date unknown.

Chun Kyung-ja 〈Drawing No.218〉
Date unknown.

Chun Kyung-ja 〈Drawing No. 806〉
Date unknown.

Fateh Moudarres 〈Face〉
Date Unknown.