Shining on your days

Amine El Bacha 〈The Four Seasons〉


Oil on Canvas, 125x150 cm
©Dalloul Art Foundation & Amine El Bacha Foundation

Characteristic of Amine El Bacha’s art is the division of the image composition into sections which are treated individually. In this particular oil painting, a 5×5 grid serves as a versatile canvas for an array of motifs. Each horizontal row is dedicated to one motif, vividly rendered in varying hues to reflect the cyclical transformation of seasons. From mountain and valley vistas at the topmost row to floral designs, swirling rain clouds, and celestial bodies like the moon and sun, the painting offers a dynamic tapestry of elements playfully permeating the rectangular tiles down to the bottom. Flanking the main body of the composition, vertical tiles feature the same motifs but are rendered in more subdued, darker tones, serving as a shadow-like frame.

This site created by Studio Particle