Shining on your days

Amine El Bacha 〈Beirut Group〉


Oil on Canvas, 96x138.5cm
©Dalloul Art Foundation & Amine El Bacha Foundation

El Bacha loved depicting social events and gatherings such as dinners, meetings, people at a café or at a market. In the same way as he drew and painted individuals having a private moment to themselves, he also depicted social events. In many of his depictions of social events, his social and cultural critique can be seen where he includes an element of the surreal, the comical or the sarcastic like the naked man at the right side of this painting. This work actually depicts his wife Angelina dressed in green at the far left of the work with an entourage of socialites and artists from the group of friends that El Bacha and his wife had in pre-war Beirut. It is possible that the naked man in this image is actually the artist himself.

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