Shining on your days
Oh Chiho 〈Port of Hamburg〉
Oil on canvas, 65×91cm, Gwangju Museum of Art
In many of Oh Chiho’s artworks, port is a subject the artist enjoyed painting. This work shows the Port of Hamburg in Germany where Oh visited during his 9 months trip to Europe in 1974. Overall, blue tone are used to paint a sky, sea, and boats. The scenery and subjects in close-range depicted in accentuating brushstroke, while the buildings in distance are expressed faintly. The artist once said he was particularly impressed by J.M.W. Turner’s paintings during his museum tour in Europe, and the soft brushstroke shown in his painting seems to reflect the impression he received from Turner’s work.

Oh Chiho 〈Self Portrait〉
Date unknown.

Oh Chiho 〈Port of Mokpo〉

Oh Chiho 〈Snowscape〉

Kim Whanki 〈Untitled〉
Date unknown.

Kim Whanki 〈On the Way Back〉

Kim Whanki 〈Island〉

Yim Jiksoon 〈Sunset〉
Date unknown.

Chun Kyung-ja 〈Drawing No. 1029〉
Date unknown.

Chun Kyung-ja 〈Drawing No.218〉
Date unknown.

Chun Kyung-ja 〈Drawing No. 806〉
Date unknown.

Fateh Moudarres 〈Face〉
Date Unknown.