Shining on your days

Amine El Bacha 〈Jardin Oriental〉


Oil on Canvas, 125.5x150 cm
©Dalloul Art Foundation & Amine El Bacha Foundation

Jardin Oriental is a complex visual tapestry, structured as a 6×5 while leaving the central area undivided. The top corners feature portraits of a woman, flanked by vivid yellow birds. As the eye moves downward, the squares transition from floral motifs to oriental patterns like stylized arabesques and crescents, finally culminating in geometric abstraction at the bottom. The central area diverges in style and color, dominated by radiant yellows that center around a bird figure. The use of black creates a striking contrast, enhancing these luminous shapes. The title suggests an “oriental garden,” implying Eastern aesthetics as gardens in various Asian cultures often aim to capture a harmonious balance of elements and serve as spaces for contemplation or spiritual reflection. The motifs also seem inspired by El Bacha’s nostalgic memories, particularly of the terrace and garden in his family home.

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