Immigration of Ceramics

Jeong (情) Garden

〈Jeong (情) Garden〉, 2024.

한국 자기, 미국 자기, 청자 유약, 각 높이 10.16–25.4cm (20점), 국립아시아문화전당 지원 제작, 광주 제작

The artist first visited Korea and unraveled the experiences of Korean “Jeong (情)” that he encountered only in writing. As a Korean-American, the warm affection felt from the relationships the artist met in Korea, such as Koreans who looked similar to the artist, artists working in Korea, and acquaintances who taught Korean culture, became a valuable experience that created a connection between Korean culture. However, in the meantime, in order not to forget the artist’s identity as a Korean American, Se Oh placed the self-portrait at the center of the garden. It is a vessel that resembles a lotus flower made with American porcelain. Nested inside is a small vessel rendered in Korean porcelain. This self-portrait, surrounded by Korean porcelain makes up a very special work for this exhibition.

Midnight Husky with Gold Rocks

〈Midnight Husky with Gold Roc〉, 2021.

Better Place (Stool)

〈Better Place (Stool)〉, 2024.

Spring Skies Ombre Dust Furry (Gwangju)

〈Spring Skies Ombre Dust Furry (Gwangju)〉, 2024.

L(ava) + S(and) Dust Furry,

〈L(ava) + S(and) Dust Furry〉, 2024.

Unbounded Arc, Munhwajeondang-ro

〈Unbounded Arc, Munhwajeondang-ro〉, 2024.


〈Self-portrait〉, 2023.

Inner Han

〈Inner Han〉, 2023.


〈Purge〉, 2023.

Water Poppy

〈Water Poppy〉, 2022.

Jade Garden

〈Jade Garden〉, 2024.


〈Liminality〉, 2023.

Cycle of a Moon Jar

〈Cycle of a Moon Jar〉, 2024.

Jeong (情) Garden

〈Jeong (情) Garden〉, 2024.

Still Waters

〈Still Waters〉, 2023.

Goldfish Ponds

〈Goldfish Ponds〉, 2023.

In Like A Rabbit

〈In Like A Rabbit〉, 2023.

Out Like A Tiger

〈Out Like A Tiger〉, 2023.

Jar with Tranzor Z and Aphrodite A

〈Maebyeong Vase with Eagles and Clouds〉, 2024.

Jar with Tranzor Z and Aphrodite A

〈Jar with Tranzor Z and Aphrodite A〉, 2024.

Maebyeong Vase with Peonies

〈Maebyeong Vase with Peonies〉, 2024.

Jar with Dragon and Clouds

〈Jar with Dragon and Clouds〉, 2024.

Imperfect Pride

〈Imperfect Pride〉, 2024.

Last Night in Gwangju, 2024

〈Last Night in Gwangju〉, 2024.

This site created by Studio Particle