Posthuman Ensemble


2018/Republic of Korea)

〈Spiritual Rave〉, 2021.

LED Pavilion, Dimensions Variable

Through {Spiritual Rave}, EASThug delivers a contemporary reinterpretation of the actions undertaken in the {mugamseoda gut} rite. {Mugam} refers to the act of healing done through audience members’ spontaneous participation in {gut} rites, brought forward by the blurring of the conscious and the unconscious. EASThug’s work utilizes LED interactive media structures and music to reinterpret this phenomenon in today’s language. {Spiritual Rave} reads the nonhuman, which, in this case, is human emotions, through brain waves and expresses and liberates the nonhuman through the emotional process of {heung}(a lot of excitement). The audience members take a direct part in this process to face their emotions and achieve healing.

Lugas Syllabus

〈Yellow Moon on the Blue Sky〉, 2020.

〈Blue Moon on the Red Sky〉, 2020.

〈Step of Life ‘In to the World’〉, 2021.

〈Step of Life ‘In to the Universe’〉, 2021.

〈Step of Life ‘The Ocean coming〉, 2021.

〈The Construction of Construction〉, 2021.

Jeimin KIM

〈Daily Happiness〉, 2021.

〈Tenacious Weed Cultivating Life Force〉, 2021.

〈Wonder-Pul World〉, 2016(Remake in 2021).

Kyoungha LEE

〈Vacant Lot 1〉, 2020.

〈Vacant Lot 2〉, 2020.

〈Vacant Lot 3〉, 2020.

〈Vacant Lot 4〉, 2020.

Lêna BÙI

〈Circulations〉, 2021.

〈Kindred〉, 2021.

〈Innocent grasses 3〉, 2021.

〈Innocent grasses 4〉, 2021.

KIM Seola

〈Nine Dark Openings, The Sound of Breathing〉, 2021.

Hwang Moonjung

〈Non-human Zone〉, 2021.

Tae Yeun KIM

〈Helpless〉, 2021.

〈Becoming Being 1 〉, 2021.

〈Becoming Being 2 - Dance〉, 2021.

Pei-Ying LIN

〈Virophilia〉, 2020.

Robert Zhao RENHUI

〈A Monument to Thresholds〉, 2020.

Heeah YANG

〈Infinite Garden+△〉, 2021.


〈Spiritual Rave〉, 2021.

Younghwan CHEON

〈into the mind〉, 2021.

Eun Woo CHO

〈AI, Brain Wave & Ideal City No.2〉, 2019(Remake in 2021).

This site created by Studio Particle