Posthuman Ensemble

Lêna BÙI

1985/Viet Nam

〈Circulations〉, 2021.

Ink & Watercolor Paintings on Silk, Paper and Photograph 1 ~ 10, 각 ea. 35 × 50 cm

〈Kindred〉, 2021.

Elizabeth ANG & Lêna BÙI {Kindred}, 2021, Single Channel Video, 7:38

〈Innocent grasses 3〉, 2021.

Ink, Watercolor and Pencil on Paper, 208 × 52 cm

〈Innocent grasses 4〉, 2021.

Ink, Watercolor and Pencil on Paper, 208 × 52 cm

The sceneries captured by Lêna Bùi show us that all beings are interconnected and do not live their lives in solitude but exist in an endless reincarnation cycle within the great wheel of nature, reborn time and again into different beings. The artist once had a dream of standing before an ancient temple on a mountain summit above massive valleys. Bùi saw a giant iridescent brown bird, which seemed to be flying simultaneously in multiple dimensions, circling the ancient temple. As she entered the temple’s gates with other beings, she discovered
that the gates were actually her body. This dream led to the recognition that one’s soul is not a singular being but a valley full of numerous life-forms. One’s body is merely a small door in this life where forces across many lives converge in unique combinations. This experience led Bùi to express through her work
that humanity is not the center of the universe
but a portal of the ancient universe within the
universal cycle and the soul is always in a state
of circulation and flux.

Lugas Syllabus

〈Yellow Moon on the Blue Sky〉, 2020.

〈Blue Moon on the Red Sky〉, 2020.

〈Step of Life ‘In to the World’〉, 2021.

〈Step of Life ‘In to the Universe’〉, 2021.

〈Step of Life ‘The Ocean coming〉, 2021.

〈The Construction of Construction〉, 2021.

Jeimin KIM

〈Daily Happiness〉, 2021.

〈Tenacious Weed Cultivating Life Force〉, 2021.

〈Wonder-Pul World〉, 2016(Remake in 2021).

Kyoungha LEE

〈Vacant Lot 1〉, 2020.

〈Vacant Lot 2〉, 2020.

〈Vacant Lot 3〉, 2020.

〈Vacant Lot 4〉, 2020.

Lêna BÙI

〈Circulations〉, 2021.

〈Kindred〉, 2021.

〈Innocent grasses 3〉, 2021.

〈Innocent grasses 4〉, 2021.

KIM Seola

〈Nine Dark Openings, The Sound of Breathing〉, 2021.

Hwang Moonjung

〈Non-human Zone〉, 2021.

Tae Yeun KIM

〈Helpless〉, 2021.

〈Becoming Being 1 〉, 2021.

〈Becoming Being 2 - Dance〉, 2021.

Pei-Ying LIN

〈Virophilia〉, 2020.

Robert Zhao RENHUI

〈A Monument to Thresholds〉, 2020.

Heeah YANG

〈Infinite Garden+△〉, 2021.


〈Spiritual Rave〉, 2021.

Younghwan CHEON

〈into the mind〉, 2021.

Eun Woo CHO

〈AI, Brain Wave & Ideal City No.2〉, 2019(Remake in 2021).

This site created by Studio Particle