City of Gaia

Tatsuru Arai

〈Face of Universe〉, 2022-2023.

Three-channel video, color, sound, 12 min. 59 sec.

Courtesy of the artist.
Photography of Tatsuru Arai, Donguk Agos Lee(IVAAIU City, ZER01NE Creator), Juwon Park

Tatsuru Arai works on the theme of rendering the physical laws of the universe as perceivable experiences. Face of the Universe was produced with photos of flowers collected from different cities to represent an urban space where people can recognize the history of the universe and of the ecosystem. The new edition of Face of the Universe produced for this exhibition consists of music and images created using photos of Korean flowers processed through algorithms and AI-driven simulations. It focuses on the relationship between the land and plants.

The artist examines the dawn of time when plants emerged from the sea four billion years ago, long before human cities. In the early state of the Earth’s formation, the temperature of the planet was high due to the atmosphere filled with carbon dioxide and nitrogen. It was plants that absorbed the carbon dioxide as they spread over the Earth. Arai points out that humans should not go against the principles of the ecosystem in which humans and plants coexist and emphasizes the importance of flowers as a part of the ecosystem and as a representative of the face of the universe.  

Ai Weiwei

〈The Animal That Looks Like a Llama But is Really an Alpaca〉, 2015.

〈Level〉, 2019.

〈Palace〉, 2019.

Yuichi Hirako

〈Wooden Wood 28〉, 2023.

〈Yggdrasill 05〉, 2021.

〈Gift 15〉, 2021.

〈Leaf Shape 02〉, 2021.


〈Breath of the City〉, 2023.

〈Dynamic Dialogue of the Forest〉, 2023.

〈Silent Scream of the Flora〉, 2023.

Kim Jayi

〈Skill of R & R ver. Urban Farmer〉, 2023.

Soyo Lee

〈Aeginetia Indica, Somewhat like Mushrooms〉, 2022-2023.

〈Buxus microphylla〉, 2018-2023.

2023 ACC Sound Lab (Kim Suk-Jun·Yoon Jiyoung·Jo Yeabon·Cha Mihye)

〈Extending, Bending, Breaking, Connecting〉, 2023.

Re-tracing Buro

〈Green Machine〉, 2023.

Patricia Piccinini

〈Metaflora (Timelapse)〉, 2015.

〈Boot Flower〉, 2015.

〈Meadow〉, 2016.

Tatsuru Arai

〈Face of Universe〉, 2022-2023.

Kyungtaek Roh

〈Hybrid Cooperation Sequence〉, 2023.


〈Pickled City Dive〉, 2023.

〈Pickled City〉, 2023.

This site created by Studio Particle