City of Gaia

Kyungtaek Roh

〈Hybrid Cooperation Sequence〉, 2023.

Mixed media, dimensions variable.
Courtesy of the artist.

In Hybrid Cooperation Sequence, plants, humans, and machines cooperate to compose a sequence of interactions that create spontaneous narratives. Each piece among the hybrid sculptures that comprise this sequence engages with viewers through various senses, such as vision, touch, hearing. There are motion sensors and speakers installed throughout the space that allow different sequences of events to take place depending on the position of the viewer. The stage lights connected to the speakers illuminate the space in which the work is installed and transform it into an auditorium, providing a stage for both the viewer and the work.

Marimba Sequence comprises a mechanism that detects subtle electrical signals from a plant to which electromyogram sensors have been attached. When a specific signal value is reached, a mallet moves up and down to strike a bar of a marimba. It is the plant that determines when the instrument is struck. The audience can engage with this piece by turning a handle attached to an automaton to influence the musical scale of the marimba. In this way, a device that resembles a musical instrument can be sounded through an interplay among people, plants, and machines. Bubble Sequence involves electromyogram sensors attached to five plants and a device that releases soap bubbles toward one of the plants when a specific value is detected. The installation includes other pieces such as Koshi Chimes for Monstera, which can be swung by the plant’s electrical signals, and Energy Chime Bell for Plant Chamber, which produces a sound by striking a chime when the device detects the biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOC) emitted by the plant.

Ai Weiwei

〈The Animal That Looks Like a Llama But is Really an Alpaca〉, 2015.

〈Level〉, 2019.

〈Palace〉, 2019.

Yuichi Hirako

〈Wooden Wood 28〉, 2023.

〈Yggdrasill 05〉, 2021.

〈Gift 15〉, 2021.

〈Leaf Shape 02〉, 2021.


〈Breath of the City〉, 2023.

〈Dynamic Dialogue of the Forest〉, 2023.

〈Silent Scream of the Flora〉, 2023.

Kim Jayi

〈Skill of R & R ver. Urban Farmer〉, 2023.

Soyo Lee

〈Aeginetia Indica, Somewhat like Mushrooms〉, 2022-2023.

〈Buxus microphylla〉, 2018-2023.

2023 ACC Sound Lab (Kim Suk-Jun·Yoon Jiyoung·Jo Yeabon·Cha Mihye)

〈Extending, Bending, Breaking, Connecting〉, 2023.

Re-tracing Buro

〈Green Machine〉, 2023.

Patricia Piccinini

〈Metaflora (Timelapse)〉, 2015.

〈Boot Flower〉, 2015.

〈Meadow〉, 2016.

Tatsuru Arai

〈Face of Universe〉, 2022-2023.

Kyungtaek Roh

〈Hybrid Cooperation Sequence〉, 2023.


〈Pickled City Dive〉, 2023.

〈Pickled City〉, 2023.

This site created by Studio Particle