Attention! Zombies

CHUNG Myungwoo

〈Kill You〉, 2022.

mixed media installation, two-channel video, 700×500×500cm, 20min., commissioned by Asia Culture Center, courtesy of the artist

〈8&8〉, 2018.

multi-channel video installation, dimension variable, 2min., courtesy of the artist

While studying the media and condition of visual arts in a form of performance through various collaboration, CHUNG Myungwoo, also has been using technical tools like 3D virtual space and fake texture with an interest in combining art and technology in his works. In , a video installed on a stage made of styrofoam shows a dialogue between the North and the South Korean soldiers who are isolated in a guard post from the appearance of the ‘twisted’. The dialogue started to beat boredom of guarding gradually heads to extreme and charges into an irreparable end. Based on the cliche of zombies that the closest one becomes a target of attack, the narrative of reminds us of what we have experienced during COVID-19 pandemic, such as the transmission of the virus between dearest ones and the self-quarantine from loved ones to avoid the contagion. Moreover, the situation where the closest one suddenly becomes an abject deserved to die, is metaphorical of the social aspect of hatred and hostility caused by ideological conflict such as the current relationship between North and South Korea.


〈Asia-Zombie Chronicle〉, 2022.

KIM Bong Su

〈W Pandemic〉, 2022.

MOON Sohyun

〈Just a Zombie〉, 2022.

PARK Seong Jun

〈press conference (new version)〉, 2022.

〈MONTAGE I (new version)〉, 2022.

BANG Jeong A

〈Surviving in the Nuclear Zombies〉, 2022.

YUH Sunkoo

〈King & Clown〉, 1999.

〈Memory of Sabbath〉, 1999.

YOU Soyoung

〈Party of Sweets〉, 2022.

CHUNG Myungwoo

〈Kill You〉, 2022.

〈8&8〉, 2018.

BCL/Georg TREMMEL + TOKUI Nao(徳井直生)

〈Ghost in the Cell - Synthetic Heartbeats〉, 2022.

CHUANG Chih-Wei(莊志維)

〈Reborn Tree Series: Reborn Tree (Gwangju)〉, 2015.

FUJII Hikaru(藤井光)

〈COVID-19 May 2020〉, 2020.

〈Les Nucléaires et les Choses〉, 2019.

This site created by Studio Particle