Aqua Paradiso

Yee I-Lann

〈Sulu Stories〉, 2005.

Digital C-print
61×61cm (9), 61×183cm (3), 61×122cm

Yee I-Lann has created artworks related to the turbulent history of the archipelago in Southeast Asia. Her works deal with colonialism, neocolonial issues, power, and the influences of historical memories of social experiences. Especially, they focus on the power of resistant narrations from the bottom. She induces a complicated and multi-layered visual language from historical objects, the pop culture, archives, and daily objects.
Sulu Stories is the database of memories delivering the story of Sulu Sea located between the Philippines and Malaysia, where territorial disputes have arisen to date. The sea was originally governed by the Sultanate of Sulu from the 15th century to the 19th century, and experienced the rule of European colonialists, which served as the bone of contention of the territorial disputes today. It now turned to the foothold for anti-government protestors and armed groups. It is only natural that the artist who was born in Sabah, a center of such conflicts, deals with the memory and history of Sulu Sea. The artist contains the scenes of Sulu Sea and also designs the image by combining the records that she found in libraries, museums, and archives and her personal memories. The sea serves as a background of the stories of Sulu Sea delivering pirates, slaves, opium, typhoons, wrecked ships, and Sultans among others and act as a container for each diorama.


〈My Jubilee ist Unverhemmet〉, 2018.

Yee I-Lann

〈Sulu Stories〉, 2005.


〈Tirta Perwitasari〉, 2022.

Dakd Jung

〈The Fount of Art〉, 2016~2022.

Adrien M & Claire B

〈Acqua Alta – Crossing the Mirror〉, 2019.

Hyewon Kwon

〈Liquid Vision – Prologue〉, 2022.


〈Self-archetype of the Unconsciou〉, 2022.

eco orot

〈Jeju Coral Crochet〉, 2018~2022.

〈Plastic Mandala〉, 2019~2022.

〈Ocean Tears〉, 2021~2022.

BOO Jihyun

〈Where is it going〉, 2022.

Tae-Eun Kim

〈Rectangular System 〉, 2005(reproduced in 2022).

〈Black Bile〉, 2022.

Liu Yu

〈If Narratives Become the Great Flood〉, 2020.

This site created by Studio Particle