Sweet Sorrow

Maelee Lee

〈Time of earths Strata〉, 2015~ongoing.

mixed media, dimensions variable

Maelee Lee has explored the origin of human existences from the perspective of anthropology. Especially, by deeming “the earth,” in which human history has indwelled, the repository of every memory of history, Lee has worked on a project that recalls historical times, which already passed but should be remembered, to the present by examining and studying it through an act of “excavation.” “The earth” refers to the time of strata that carry the epic from prehistoric existences to the genesis of humans and civilization to the rise and fall of nations, people, and empires, layer by layer.
Gangjin, the hometown of the artist, is the place where Lee spent her childhood and at the same time the historic site of Wolnamsa Temple from the Goryeo Kingdom. Here Lee has engaged in the project to record the site of the large temple that is no longer in existence. As a work in line with Poetry Delivery, the performance and video in which the ethnic poems from different countries are recited starting from 2014, Time of earths Strata is created by recording the photographs of the temple site, printing them, and transcribing the words from the Old Testament in gilt over those printouts. At the same time every day, the artist made transcriptions in the same place as if she practiced asceticism. In doing so, she connects the past, the present and the future. Thus, Lee demonstrates that humans in the present time cannot exist without the past and immerses herself in human beings and existence by consistently tracing the history of the earth, which has been in parallel with the history of humans.

〈More human than human〉, 2022 .

Jeon Nahwan

〈 The Q (A Group of Korean Queer youth)〉, 2018~2019.

〈Queer Theory〉, 2019.

SungHong Min

〈Skin_Layer〉, 2022.

〈Exercise for Sensitivity〉, 2020.

〈Adaptation attitude_Camouflage net〉, 2020~2021.

Tran Luong

〈Lập Lòe〉, 2012.

Svay Sareth

〈Wings of Throne – Wing〉, 2020.

〈Beyond Sunflower〉, 2018.

Maelee Lee

〈Time of earths Strata〉, 2015~ongoing.

This site created by Studio Particle