Aqua Paradiso
BOO Jihyun
〈Where is it going〉, 2022.
Motor, sensor, discarded fishing lamp, LED, water tank, water pump
Dimension variable
Commissioned by Asia Culture Center, Gwangju
BOO Jihyun is well known for installations, which provide surreal experiences, by recycling waste fishing lamps with their life expectancy over. Her works reminding us of sparkling lights beyond the dark horizon condense her memory and experiences with the sea as a close environment to the life of the artist born in Jeju Island. Where is it going, a work newly introduced in this exhibition, sums up such experiential impressions. Also, it attempts to provide an opportunity to critically reconsider the use of water, a limited resource, by using the image of circulating water. Today industrialization, the increases of urbanization and populations, and climate change causes water scarcity. The artist has realized that water is no longer an infinite resource and developed this project based on a critical mind that a change in terms of social structure for the reasonable use of water resource. In Where is it going, through the two windows, audience can watch wavelengths and the movements of shades on the surface depicted by circulating water by the pump, which ascends to the swinging fishing lamps and flows down. Thus, the flow and circulation of water presented as an image lays the foundation for accessing the subject matter of the right use of water via aesthetic experiences.

〈My Jubilee ist Unverhemmet〉, 2018.

Yee I-Lann
〈Sulu Stories〉, 2005.

〈Tirta Perwitasari〉, 2022.

Dakd Jung
〈The Fount of Art〉, 2016~2022.

Adrien M & Claire B
〈Acqua Alta – Crossing the Mirror〉, 2019.

Hyewon Kwon
〈Liquid Vision – Prologue〉, 2022.

〈Self-archetype of the Unconsciou〉, 2022.

eco orot
〈Jeju Coral Crochet〉, 2018~2022.
〈Plastic Mandala〉, 2019~2022.
〈Ocean Tears〉, 2021~2022.

BOO Jihyun
〈Where is it going〉, 2022.

Tae-Eun Kim
〈Rectangular System 〉, 2005(reproduced in 2022).
〈Black Bile〉, 2022.

Liu Yu
〈If Narratives Become the Great Flood〉, 2020.