Refrigerator Illusion

Unhappy Circuit

South Korea

〈Frozen Monuments for Humanity〉, .

A fridge represents the richness of human civilization. Especially, due to a fridge, humans have faced no difficulties in eating fresh meat. Now human perception for meat has come to be as insensible as humanly possible, yet we easily forget the fact that such meat was once a living thing.
This work takes a new perspective on a fridge that is the most familiar appliance in our daily life and stands for the abundance of human civilization by regarding it as “a frozen monument to praise human civilization.” This cold gravestone is filled with living livestock. In fact we all know: how these meats filling the fridge are processed. And yet we deliberately avoid confronting this inconvenient truth for our convenience and pretend not to be aware of it.
Eventually, by revealing the truth in a more direct way
we have turned away, this work intends to provide us with an opportunity to look back into our civilization. The affluence of human civilization has become an arrow targeted back at us. This disaster we have been suffering in our daily life is never irrelevant to our selfish and indifferent attitude towards life and nature.


〈The Emperor of China’s Ice/ An Artist who Buried 1000kg of Ice in the Ground〉, 2019.

Sangun HO

〈Around the Refrigerator〉, 2021.


〈Material Pool: 2021 ACC〉, .

Minje JEON

〈In God We Trust〉, .

Meewha LEE / E. J. Domoso

〈2,000kcal–0kcal〉, 2021.


〈Smoke and Light〉, .

EBS Knowledge Channel e

〈The Longest Minute〉, .

〈The “Three Kilometers a Week” Diet〉, .

Quatre Caps

〈Not Longer Life〉, 2019.

Screening Room

〈Screening Room〉, .

Unhappy Circuit

〈Frozen Monuments for Humanity〉, .

Kosuke ARAKI

〈Food Waste Ware〉, .


〈Gastronocene〉, 2021.

Rice Brewing Sisters Club

〈Sunhwan Belt〉, .

Jihyun David

〈Save Food from the Fridge〉, 2009.

Noplug People

〈Ancient Future of Storages〉, .

Rice Brewing Sisters Club

〈Social Fermentation Archive〉, .

Jangdong Collective

〈Gut (good) Place: For Every Jo Wangs〉, 2021.

This site created by Studio Particle