The View of Hanui
KIM Namjoo+JI Kangil
〈Ephemeral Concrete〉, 2023.
UHPC(Ultra High Performance Concrete), metal plate, LED light, 1100×200×36cm, commissioned by Asia Culture Center, courtesy of the artist
As active architects, KIM Namjoo and JI Kangil explore the role of architecture in minimizing the burden on the climate crisis and the environment. A mold made to cast certain curved concrete surfaces is discarded after being used only for once and causes severe environmental pollution. KIM developed and received a patent for a technology to produce a reusable curved concrete mold. 〈Ephemeral Concrete〉 is created with the patented technology and shows various curved surfaces of concrete panels made using a single mold. Because of the concrete’s pattern created from the unique method of production, the work looks differently as type, intensity, and direction of the lighting change. By minimizing construction waste, the work aims to provide a new perspective on the future architecture and the way architecture should respond to the climate crisis.

FENG Jiacheng
〈Moon Haze〉, 2015.

DRIFT Collective
〈Drifting Scenery〉, 2023.

〈Season of Century〉, 2023.

KIM Namjoo+JI Kangil
〈Ephemeral Concrete〉, 2023.

KIM Haneul
〈Organic Series〉, 2023.

PARK Cheonkang (HAPSA)
〈The Dialectic of Permanence and Transience〉, 2023.

PARK Hunkyu+LEE Sunkyung
〈The Last Monument〉, 2023.

〈Centreefugal Park〉, 2017.

Seoul Express
〈Colors Lasting for a Very Short Time〉, 2023.

LEE Lee Nam
〈Standing at the Center of Existence〉, 2023.

HAN Seok Hyun
〈Reverse-Rebirth Project〉, 2023.