Adorable Big Brother



〈It's the Wall World〉, 2014.

Two-channel video installation
Two-channel video, color, sound
Dimensions variable, video 14 min 14 sec
Courtesy of the artist

Chim↑Pom is an artist collective with members Ryuta Ushiro (卯城竜太), Yasutaka Hayashi (林靖高), Ellie (エリイ), Masataka Okada (岡田将孝), Motomu Inaoka (稲岡求), and Toshinori Mizuno (水野俊紀). Responding instinctively to the ”real” of their times, Chim↑Pom has continuously released works that intervene in contemporary society with strong social messages. In addition to participating in exhibitions throughout the world, they develop various independent projects. In 2015, they opened their artist-run space “Garter” in Tokyo to curate and showcase work by many of their contemporaries. They have held solo exhibitions at MoMA P.S.1, New York; Parco Museum, Tokyo; Saatchi Gallery, London; and Dallas Contemporary. They also have been invited to participate in many international biennials, including Sao Paulo Biennial, Shanghai Biennale, Lyon Biennale, and Asian Art Biennial. Their work is in numerous collections including the Hammer Museum, Los Angeles; Mori Art Museum, Tokyo; M+, Hong Kong; and The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo.

n this ongoing project, Chim↑Pom cuts out the white walls of museums and galleries in the shape of jigsaw puzzle pieces and exchanges them with identically shaped sections carved out of various external walls. The museum wall serves a new function placed in a completely different context as art. A collaged jigsaw mural––containing an array of colorful pieces from contrasting locations and backgrounds––emerges in the exhibition space. A documentary video that shows the artists’ exchange and interaction with residents is also displayed. By intentionally not exhibiting the swapped puzzle pieces and only showing the video depicting the project unfolding worldwide, in this exhibition, Chim↑Pom responds to the current situation that limits our ability to travel.


〈Thousand Little Brothers〉, 2021.

〈Orb v.4〉, 2021.


〈Zoo (Archive)〉, 2020.

DENG Yufeng

〈A Disappeared Movement,〉, 2020.

aaajiao / XU Wenkai

〈404404404〉, 2017.

〈URL.isLOVE〉, 2020.


〈It's the Wall World〉, 2014.

Yeon Sook LEE

〈Void Place〉, 2021.

LIM Yonghyun

〈Sweet Truman〉, 2021.

Zheng Mahler

〈The Master Algorithm〉, 2019.

This site created by Studio Particle